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All Discussions
Scientific MFT light source changer issue on tripod
Work Function vs Electron Escape Energy
MFT ageing stop setup Mlux*h Failure
Xenon Pulser performance
Cooling as a Method to Minimize CCD Background Signal
IMPS/IMVS applied to a non-linear sample
Spectra saving data
A new stand for Microfading Tester
Guide on Microfading Tester from Getty
Filling Ag/AgCl electrodes
Kelvin probes: The myth of stable tip
Position of LED lights on the scientific MFT instrument
Version 4.0 and software updates
Calculation of the calibration factor
Electrochemical vs chemical potential
Increasing the diameter of the light spot
Systematic absorbance band appearance (450 and 470 nm)
Position of MFT head
IMPS/IMVS video presentation on YouTube
Electrochemical Kelvin probe
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